Monday, February 25, 2008


Daddy threw away Alexander. He got tired of him. Just stuck him in the trash. Anyone want a baby?

No, really...he just set Alex there as he was opening the car door. Don't call Child Services on us, please! :)

We stayed home most of Saturday. By Saturday evening, Alex wasn't fussy anymore, so we went to Menards to order cabinets for our laundry room. We keep putting it off, but finally did it because we're afraid they'll discontiue that style. Alex slept through the trip, and also slept through most of dinner at Applebees. It's so easy to take him out for dinner at this stage! We'll take advantage of it while it lasts.

Alex did NOT sleep from Saturday through Sunday. Sunday was Mommy's first day back to teaching Sunday School. Wow, I was tired for that...oh well, that comes with having a baby! Daddy stayed home with Alex while I taught, and he found out how tough it is to get out of the house on your own with a baby. Good job, Keith!
Grandma & Papa came over to visit Alex on Sunday night. They saw us, too, but we know the real reason they came! ;)
Alex got back on schedule on Sunday, so Monday should be a pretty good day. We'll see...

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